Meet the Poet: Cameron Brooks
Get to know the poet behind Vanora
Cameron’s path to becoming a writer began in the imaginative stories he read (and was read) as a boy. Those stories evoked curiosity and wonder about the world. And although he has since forgotten many of them, it is that same fundamental wonder—now drawn out in new directions—which fuels his own writing today.
Cameron studied theology and English at the University of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where he developed parallel passions for the liberal arts and poetry. During his senior year, Cameron published his first poem, “The Way Between Here and Home,” in the 2015 Scurfpea Publishing Anthology.
After graduating from USF, Cameron and his wife moved to New Jersey, where he pursued an M.A. from Princeton Theological Seminary over the following two years. He continued writing poetry in his spare time, finding a profusion of inspiration from first-time visits to historic cities like New York, Paris, and Portland, Maine.
Indeed, many of Cameron’s poems reflect on the significance and specificity of place. His work is influenced by such poets as Kevin L. Cole, Ted Kooser, Christian Wiman, and mid-twentieth century Imagist poets like William Carlos Williams. Now back in South Dakota, Cameron writes about familiar Midwestern landscapes and occurrences—prairies, yard work, church services—from a new perspective, but one no less in awe of the world around him.
Cameron and his wife Jenny live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with their two lazy cats.
You can follow Cameron on Instagram and Twitter, or check out his personal blog.